Inkscape: “Document Properties” Window Not Showing Up

Inkscape sometimes opens the “Documents Properties” window outside the visible area of the desktop on Windows.

If this happens:

  • Press Conntrol+Shift+D and then ALT+space to open the context menu of the “Documents Properties” Window
  • Use the “arrow down” key once, to select “move” from the context meneu
  • Hit “Enter” once
  • Now use your arrow keys to move the window. It should snap into the visible area.

This solution works for Windows only.

Synology Drive Client does not connect on Apple MacOS

Another odd issue I had recently was that my Synology Drive Connect on my Apple Macbook Air simply wouldn’t connect anymore. It just kept trying – no timeout, no “connection refused”, no error message at all. Meanwhile, Synology Drive Client on my Windows client worked fine. Both were up-to-date. At first I thought it might be a problem with the remote network I was connected to, but the issue persisted when I returned home. On my synology, the client was listed as “offline”.

Digging into this issue, it seems there was a problem with the logfiles. I am not exactly sure what the root cause was, but since the files are basically just text files, I assume they had grown too large and the client choked on them on startup.

Anyway, long story short. I stopped the drive client on my Macbook Air, then used the Terminal app to remove the log folder, located here:

/Users/{$username}/Library/Application Support/SynologyDrive/log

where, of course, {$username} was my login username on my Macbook Air. And lo and behold, upon restarting the client, it instantly connected. The client showed as “online” on my Synology DS, and files synced instantly.

I deleted the logs, but make sure to create a backup first if you think you might need them for anything.

“The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later” when trying to subscribe to Podcast

Currently (September 2023), Apple’s iTunes store seems to have a bug where it’s impossible to subscribe to new podcasts.

However, there is a workaround.

Find your desired podcast on the iTunes store.

Click the “get” button, on the right side of the episode list, for any episode of the podcast.

Switch to your library.

The episode should show up, along with an entry for the podcast itself.

Right-click on the podcast title, and select “Subscribe Podcast”.

iTunes will not fetch the list of all available episodes, as usual.

“Access Denied” Errors with TortoiseSVN on Samba

So for some time now I’ve had issues with TortoiseSVN giving me “Access Denied” errors. This mostly happened when I reorganize files, and it was always annoying because it required a nasty workaround – usually, I would have to kill the SVN cache process and clean up my working copy to break write locks.

I finally seem to have found a solution, and apparently it boils down to bugs in Samba. The TortoiseSVN FAQ states:

After upgrading to TortoiseSVN 1.5.x or later, you get a lot of “Access denied” errors for most of the Subversion commands if your working copy is stored on a SAMBA share.


The information we have received suggests that the main problem is fixed in SAMBA 3.2.3. There is a supplementary problem with making files with the svn:needs-lock property read-only. This is reported to be fixed in SAMBA 3.2.6 or 3.3.0.

Now, the issue I was facing was I am running my file shares from a Synology NAS. The cited versions of SAMBA were released a long time ago, and my Synology is, of course, patched to current patch levels.

So I decided to implement the workaround anyway. And lo and behold, it works. After adding:

delete readonly = yes

To my Synology DiskStation’s smb.conf, I no longer experience the issue.

To edit the file, you need to:

  • Enable SSH on your Synology disk station
  • Log into your Synology disk station with SSH and your admin account
  • Edit the smb.conf file using sudo (“sudo vi /etc/smb/smb.conf”)
  • Restart Samba. (I’ll admit, I couldn’t figure out what command to use for that, and I was impatient, so I simply made changes in the Synology GUI and restarted it that way.)
  • Deactivate SSH again!

It’s been about a month and I have not had a single “Access Denied” error anymore.

Please note that I do not know if there are any security implications in the workaround.

Keyboard and Mouse Microstutters with a Dell Latitude Notebook

I’ve been having a weird microstuttering issue with my Dell notebook, running Windows 10. The symptoms are input from the keyboard or the mouse hanging for about a half second to a second every 1-2 minutes. When this happens, I am unable to move the mouse.

Rebooting the system did no good, and I found no hints in the event log.

Through trial and error I think I have found a workaround: Disconnect all USB devices, then reconnect them.

My working theory is that the USB drivers scan for new devices, or are discovering a device as new (there’s no popup though). I wonder if this might be a bad or loose USB plug or something similar.

Anyway. If you have a similar issue, try reconnecting all USB devices. And if you have any idea as to the actual root cause… please leave a comment.

Gigabyte OSD_Sidekick: “Please check if your USB cable is connected”

I wanted to find out what firmware my Gigabyte M32Q screen was running, and update it if necessary. The software used to do so is called OSD_Sidekick. Installation was a bit odd – it froze my PC for a few moments. But the installation did finish.

However, OSD_Sidekick.exe wouldn’t recognize my M32Q, instead displaying the error message “Please check if your USB cable is connected”. I quickly verified that my USB cable was, indeed, connected. I know it works too, because I have an iPad and an iPhone connected to my M32Q’s USB hub.

A reboot did not help.

Googling the issue, I found that some people recommended replacing the USB cable. I thought this would be odd, as I am using the USB cable included with the M32Q. On a whim, I disconnected my USB cable and reconnected it. I unplugged it from the rear of my PC, as that’s slightly easier; I am not sure if it matters.

And lo and behold, OSD_Sidekick recognized my M32Q.

My theory is that the USB driver OSD Sidekick installed needed a reconnect event to “discover” the screen.

As an aside, it turned out that my M32Q is already on the latest firmware. However, OSD_Sidekick may still come in handy – apparently you can change most, if not all, settings of the screen without the fiddly rear joystick.

MP3 Songs on iPhone greyed out; “This song is not currently available in your country or region” error message

iPhone sync has always been a little wonky, but today I discovered this gem. A few audio tracks showed up on my iPhone but were greyed out; tapping them resulted in an “This song is not currently available in your country or region” error message.

What worked for me was to turn off “Sync with this iPhone over Wi-Fi” in iTunes and click the sync button. Lo and behold, the missing mp3 songs were transferred to my iPhone and I can now play them.

This happened on Windows 10, but may apply to Mac OS as well.

I’m using iTunes and an iPhone SE (2020 model) with iOS 15.1.

iPhone: Can’t Enter Recovery Mode

I was just trying to factory reset an old iPhone 6S, following these instructions provided by Apple. However, try as I might, the phone would just reboot.

Turns out my notebook’s USB port I was using to connect the iPhone 6S for doesn’t provide enough voltage and is thus ignored by the iPhone. I think this is so the phone doesn’t risk running out of power while updating.

The solution was to use a powered USB hub.

Gnucash: “Install Online Price Retrieval for GnuCash” results in “Access is Denied” error

When I tried to install Stock market price retrieval for Gnucash – via the included script – I was presented with an “msxml3.dll: Access is denied” error.

At first, I thought this was an UAC problem and reinstalled GnuCash outside the Program Files directory, but this did not help.

The solution turned out to be reasonably easy. In “Internet Options”, go to Security -> Custom Level:

Then, scroll down to “Access data across domains” and set it to “Enabled”:

The installation should now work.

Once it completed (it takes quite a while), I reset “Access data across domains” to “Disabled”.