How to Disable WordPress “Prove your Humanity” captcha code question

A while back, WordPress introduced an annoying little feature, where you have to solve a simple math question in order to log in to your site:

I ignored this for a while, but decided it was too much of a hassle wile offering no real benefit. However, finding a way to disable it is not very intuitive, as it is not actually a core WordPress feature, but rather one added with Jetpack. It’s part of the Protect module:

Disabling Protect disables the captcha.

If you don’t see it on the main Jetpack page, click on the “See all xx Jetpack features” button:

and search for it:

After disabling, you’ll no longer get asked any nagging math questions on login:

PLEASE NOTE: Disabling this feature may decrease security for your site. Use your best judgement!

iOS iTunes Remote can’t find iTunes Library

The iTunes Remote software on my iPad worked flawlessly with my Macbook Air, but not with my Windows PC. I finally decided to investigate why, and after much search and trial-and-error, I found a solution.

It turns out that it gets confused by IPv6 on Windows (interestingly the same is not a problem on my MacBook, so I blame Windows). Once I disabled TCP/IPv6, iTunes remote started working.

To do so, open your Network and Sharing Center from the control panel. It looks like this:

Next, click on “Change adapter settings”, on the left-hand sidebar of that screen. You’ll get a new window, like this:

Now, most likely yours will be in English (Netzwerk = Network; LAN Verbindung = LAN Connection – Don’t ask me why my Windows insists on using some German terms) and the name of your network card will probably differ, but you want the LAN Connection that connects to the same network that your iPad or iPhone connects to. This might be a WLAN, and I suspect most people only have one network connected to their PC.

Anyway, right-click on the network card and select “Properties”. You’ll need Administrator rights. A new window pops up:

Simply uncheck the checkbox of the “Internet Protocol Version 6” item. Click OK.

One additional step is required.

Even though windows doesn’t ask you to, I found that I had to restart my PC. After that, my iTunes remote found my iTunes library flawlessly.

I hope this helps. And, no, I don’t know what we can do once TCP/IPv6 becomes indispensable – except for hoping for a fix from Apple and/or Microsoft.

Synology Cloudstation Pauses and Does Not Sync

The Problem:

My Cloudstation app stopped working and would not synchronize files anymore. This happened both on Windows, and on Mac.


It seemed like the app was either permanently in a “connecting” state, or pausing itself.

The solution:

It turns out that my Quick Connect became disabled at some point. I am not sure how or why; it had no account associated. I re-added that and enabled Quick Connect on my DiskStation, and Cloudstation started working again. This was especially odd because in the Cloudstation settings on my Diskstation, the status “Healthy” was displayed.

How To Change Primary Display in Windows

A colleague had her Windows task bar on the wrong screen, and wanted to move the task bar to the other monitor. Seems this is a little confusing in Windows. You find the option if you right click on the desktop, then click on screen resolution. You will get this dialog:

First, you must click on the screen you want your windows start bar to appear on (blue arrow). Only then can you select the option “Make this my main display” (red arrow). If you have the wrong screen selected, the line “This is currently your main display” will appear.

Obviously, this is only applicable if you extend your desktop over multiple screens.

Keyboard Shotcut for changing Keyboard Layout in Windows

Because this happened to me several times now: In Windows, it is possible to switch between international keyboard layouts by pressing ALT+SHIFT or CTRL+SHIFT together. Since windows remembers this on a per-application basis, this can be quite confusing.

Simply pressing those shortcuts again cycles through the layouts.

FRAPS Video Too Dark

I recently attempted to capture some in-game footage – only to find that the recording was simply way too dark. Way darker than what it had been on my screen. It was fixable in my video editor, but the root cause was not immediately apparent – clearly it could not have been a monitor setting as it would have affected video and game equally.

It turns out that I was running the game – Skyrim – in Fullscreen Windowed mode, so it seems to be using the desktop gamma/brightness settings. Fraps on the other hand uses the ingame brightness settings.

When I changed in my ingame brightness, the picture on my screen remained exactly as it was before, but the brightness of the FRAPS video changed. Very counter-intuitive, but there you go.

Skyrim Mod Organizer: [D] failed to determine binary type: 193

Alright, this is more of a hobby IT problem, but it was still frustrating. I had a crash of Mod Organizer, a tool to organize and maintain Skyrim mods. After the crash, it wouldn’t start any Java programs anymore – all I got was the error message:

failed to determine binary type: 193

I first suspected a problem with Java, but it was something with Mod Organizer itself. I ended up simply re-installing it, overwriting all files in the existing location. That fixed the error, and it even kept my config, modules and load order intact. If you try the same, create a backup first.

Even though I did not look into the root cause after I got it to work, I hope this helps anybody else.

Disable SSLv3 in Postfix, Dovecot


Disabling certain versions of SSL works like this in Postfix:

In your /etc/postfix/ add or modify the following config parameter like so:


If you are using mandatory TLS you’ll want to set this instead:


These should be fairly self-explanatory, but for further detail read the Postfix configuration parameters documentation.

Do not forget to restart Postfix!


In dovecot, add the following to your configuration:

ssl_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3

…and restart Dovecot. If you use a version of Dovecot older than 2.1, upgrade and then do the above.